Balance Yourself with our

Tibetan Singing Bowls Yoga Workshop

Saturday, November 19th 4:00-6:00 pm.

Join us for an evening of Chakra balancing Yoga, essential oils and the  sound and vibration of Tibetan singing bowls.

Using essentials oils, we will go through a sequence of yoga poses to open, align and balance the energy body, also known as Chakras. 

Finishing our workshop in an extended savasana (relaxing pose), you will experience singing bowl therapy. Energy will be released in emotions or physical responses, using the singing bowls as a healing tool bringing balance once again into our lives as we reclaim our inner selves from the busy, modern world around us. 

The cost to attend the workshop is $20.

Register to reserve your space. Participation is limited to 15 people.  

"The carefully selected essential oils, yoga poses, guided meditation and singing bowls were very healing and gave me a sense of overall peace and calm." -

- Past Workshop Participant

Sound Therapy Benefits 

  • Affects all cells in your body. 
  • Balances both hemispheres of the brain. 
  • Cleanses negative energy and emotions.
  • Deep relaxation.
  • Helps to cope with life's challenges.
  • Improves sleep. .